Casa AYA, Uruguay: straw bale passive house

Casa AYA is the first straw bale home built to Passivhaus standard in Latin America. Designed by Martin Comas of Arquitectura Regenerativa – aRRe, with Oliver Style of Praxis Resilient Building providing Passivhaus audits, the home is located in Carrasco, Uruguay.
Casa AYA, Uruguay: straw bale passive house

Casa AYA is the first straw bale home built to Passivhaus standard in Latin America. Designed by Martin Comas of Arquitectura Regenerativa – aRRe, with Oliver Style of Praxis Resilient Building providing Passivhaus audits, the home is located in Carrasco, Uruguay.
During the Passivhaus certification process, Praxis audited the calculation and design documents presented by the Passivhaus Designer, including the PHPP energy model, thermal bridge calculations, architectural and service drawings and reports, the Blower Door test report, the ventilation commissioning report, and photographic documentation of the construction process, to ensure that the building was built as designed and as calculated in the PHPP model.
Photos: Martin Comas
Project details at International Passivhaus Projects database
Featured at Passivhaus Accellerator
Year: 2022
Location: Carrasco, Uruguay
Passivhaus certification