Ventilation and indoor air quality in passivhaus buildings & EECN

Start date: to be confirmed
Final date: to be confirmed

When a client says to you, “In our Passivhaus I sleep less but I feel more rested in the morning!”, what is she talking about? She’s talking about what it’s like to live with a whole-house balanced mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery: a solution that provides a 100% fresh and filtered air, preheated by the outgoing air, where pollutants, VOC’s and moisture are continually extracted to the outside, 24 hours a day.

Designing, installing, and commissioning this type of system is not rocket science, but too often it’s done wrong, and performance is far from expected, with noise being the common culprit. There are solutions: in this course you’ll learn the key points related to the design, installation, control and commissioning of mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery for high-performance Passivhaus and nearly-zero energy buildings. Whether you are a certified Passivhaus Designer or Tradesperson looking for a refresher course, or new to the field of mechanical ventilation systems, the course will give you the tools to size equipment and components to best suit your project, and perform basic on-site supervision to make sure the installation is done properly.

Ventilation and indoor air quality in passivhaus buildings & EECN


Start date: to be confirmed
Final date: to be confirmed

When a client says to you, “In our Passivhaus I sleep less but I feel more rested in the morning!”, what is she talking about? She’s talking about what it’s like to live with a whole-house balanced mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery: a solution that provides a 100% fresh and filtered air, preheated by the outgoing air, where pollutants, VOC’s and moisture are continually extracted to the outside, 24 hours a day.

Designing, installing, and commissioning this type of system is not rocket science, but too often it’s done wrong, and performance is far from expected, with noise being the common culprit. There are solutions: in this course you’ll learn the key points related to the design, installation, control and commissioning of mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery for high-performance Passivhaus and nearly-zero energy buildings. Whether you are a certified Passivhaus Designer or Tradesperson looking for a refresher course, or new to the field of mechanical ventilation systems, the course will give you the tools to size equipment and components to best suit your project, and perform basic on-site supervision to make sure the installation is done properly.



Through 2 live sessions in a 100% online learning environment, you will be able to interact with teachers and peers, download and read technical documents to consolidate what you’ve learnt, and watch recordings of the live sessions after the classes. The course has been validated by the Passivhaus Institute in Germany, so if you are a certified Passivhaus Designer/Consultant or Tradesperson, you can win Credit Points with this course for your qualification renewal!

  • Start date: to be confirmed
  • Final date: to be confirmed
  • Total time commitment: 20 hours
  • Course period: 2 weeks
  • Live sessions: 2 sessions of 4h c/u, 16:00 h – 20:00 h CET (see content below)
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Course validated by the Passivhaus Institute, with 24 Credit Points for the renewal of Passivhaus Designer/Consultant, or Passivhaus Tradesperson qualifications
  • Online learning environment:
    • Forum / chat for networking & interaction with teachers & peers
    • Technical Documents to download
    • Final test (multiple choice)



  • Course structure
  • Passivhaus standard & EECN; natural, hybrid & mechanical ventilation systems
  • Mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery; health & indoor air quality; elimination of radon gas; humidity & moisture damage
  • Indoor air quality, CO2 concentration & reduction of VOCs; ventilation in times of COVID-19
  • Heat recovery operation in winter & summer
  • Impact of heat recovery in energy demands
  • Mechanical ventilation & retrofitting of existing buildings

System & components

  • Supply/extract/interchange zones
  • How heat recovery works in winter, summer day, & summer night with “bypass”
  • Types of systems: single-family, multi-residential, tertiary buildings
  • Heat recovery unit and system components
  • Types of heat recovery: sensible & enthalpy
  • Frost protection in winter
  • Passivhaus certified ventilation units & examples of certified machines
  • Electrical consumption of fans
  • Filters and particulate matter
  • Duct network design; air flow in exchange areas; air duct valves & grilles; silencers
  • Control
  • Acoustics & Passivhaus certification requirements

Design key points

  • Design criteria; ventilation unit sizing
  • Flow rate design, duct sizing & insulation
  • Kitchen hoods
  • Ventilation and fan-coils/ split heating/cooling in tertiary buildings

Installation key points

  • Duct insulation; condensate drains; filter access; silencers
  • Commissioning
  • Site supervision exercise with installation photos & videos

Case study: single family home

Case study of a real project of a single-family home, shown step-by-step, with flow rate calculations, unit and duct sizing