The academic year kicks off in Praxis! We interviewed two of our students to find out how they got along.

The academic year has also started in Praxis. For this autumn we’ve prepared two Passivhaus courses we’re very excited about. We want to share with you the experiences of two of our students, who are successfully skilling-up in Passivhaus construction.
The academic year kicks off in Praxis! We interviewed two of our students to find out how they got along.
The academic year has also started in Praxis. For this autumn we’ve prepared two Passivhaus courses we’re very excited about
We want to share with you the experiences of two of our students, who are successfully skilling-up in Passivhaus construction.

Photo: Joan Giribet
The academic year has also started in Praxis. For this autumn we’ve prepared two Passivhaus courses that we’re very excited about. On October 24th, we start our Construction Verifier course, and on November 7th we’ll begin our Site Supervisor course. Both courses (currently in Spanish only, but soon available in English!) will help you gain advanced skills to successfully meet the on-site challenges of large-scale Passivhaus builds.
We want to share with you the experiences of two of our students, who are successfully skilling-up in Passivhaus construction. We’re really happy to see how more and more professionals are working towards creating sustainable and energy efficient architecture. We spoke with Toni Picó, CEO of Growing Buildings and Passivhaus Tradesperson, and Álvaro Martínez, CEO of Martinez Gil, technical architect and Passivhaus Designer.
I feel very satisfied. It’s everything I hoped for and more!
“The course has an eminently practical tone, without skimping on the theoretical concepts. I’ve learnt a lot from the different teachers, talking about real projects.”

Toni Picó
CEO at Growing Buildings
Passivhaus Tradesperson
I’ve taken a step further as an expert in Passivhaus
“I’m really happy to have taken the course. I highly recommend it to professionals who want to prepare for getting on-site with high-performance building projects.”

Álvaro Martinez
Technical Architect
Passivhaus Designer
Praxis: Which course have you taken with us?
Toni P: I did the Passivhaus Site Supervisor course and passed the exam, so now I have the additional qualification of “Site Supervisor”, the add-on to my Passivhaus Tradesperson qualification, which I already had. When I heard that Praxis was giving this course, I didn’t hesitate for a moment to sign up, so that I could become the first professional in Spain to achieve this qualification!
Álvaro M: I took the Construction Verifier course. I managed to pass the exam, so I’ve got the additional qualification of Construction Verifier, the add-on to my Passivhaus Designer qualification. I’m the 1st certified Construction Verifier in Spain so I’m excited about that!
Praxis: What was your work like, before doing our course?
Toni P: I’ve been working for more than 25 years in the real estate and construction sector and 6 years in the Passivhaus sector. I work as Project Manager or Main Contractor, for the construction of single-family Passive Houses. From now on, I’ll also offer the Site Supervisor service for developers, homebuilders, contractors, and architectural and Project Management practices, who are building high-performance buildings to Passivhaus standard.
Álvaro M: I have been working in Ibiza for about 10 years, and lucky enough to have participated in several Passivhaus projects.
Praxis: What led you to sign up for the course?
Toni P: I’ve built several passive houses and I have been working with Praxis for many years, so I was confident going into the course, and excited to learn new skills to help me improve the Passivhaus building projects that I’m working on. Above all, I’m keen to apply what I’ve learnt and do the Passivhaus Site Supervision on other projects now!
Álvaro M: : I’ve known the Praxis team for a while now, both in the teaching and professional fields, so that gave me a lot of confidence.
Praxis: How do you feel after doing our course and how has it helped you?
Toni P: Very happy to have done it, with the feeling of having learned and having taken another step forward as an expert in Passivhaus construction.
Álvaro M: I feel very satisfied, it’s everything I expected and even more. The course has had an eminently practical tone, without skimping on the theoretical concepts. The general level of the classes has been very high. The diversity of speakers talking about real projects has been very instructive. The course really fills the gap between theory and practice, by training technicians in the on-site challenges of Passivhaus buildings, as Site Supervisors and Construction Verifiers.
Praxis: Who would you recommend this course to?
Toni P: To any professional working on-site in high-performance and Passivhaus projects, whether designers, project or site managers.
Álvaro M: To any professional interested in Passivhaus, and more specifically to construction professionals who want to be specifically prepared for the on-site challenges of high-performance projects. Having previously trained as a Passivhaus Designer and Tradesperson and with on-site experience, I feel that the course has perfectly closed the loop between theory and practice.
Check out our next courses (currently in Spanish only, but soon available in English!)
Supervisión de Obra en Edificios Passivhaus
Curso oficial Passivhaus, para obtener competencias avanzadas para la ejecución de obras Passivhaus. Si tienes la titulación Passivhaus Tradesperson, te prepara para el examen para la obtención del título “Supervisión de obra Passivhaus”.
¡Inscripciones abiertas!
Fecha inicio: 07/11/2023
Verificación de la Construcción en Edificios Passivhaus
Curso oficial Passivhaus, obtendrás competencias avanzadas de planificación, gestión, ejecución y entrega de obras Passivhaus. Si tienes la titulación Passivhaus Designer, te prepara para el examen de la obtención del título “Verificación de la construcción Passivhaus”.
¡Inscripciones abiertas!
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